I think I decided that I'm not really a dog person anymore.Well, I never was a "dog-person" but I'm not as much of a "dog-liker" anymore.
[/stubtle reverence to a Demetri Martin joke]
I actually love both animals quite a lot! I have owned incredible cats my whole life, and while I love them immensely, I have always wanted a dog, and secretly loved them more.
But right now I am house sitting for my grandma, and her dogs (two little dachshunds) have been acting like spoiled toddlers lately. Yesterday I bought a small box of peanut butter candy eggs from the Dollar Tree, and I had them in a plastic bag in my backpack which I put on a desk. I thought that they were safe there. In fact, I didn't even think about them. But when I got home from church, my backpack was ripped open, and there were pieces of plastic bag and candy box everywhere... and all of the candy was gone.
I hope my grandma doesn't read this blog. Because I feel really bad and I probably won't tell her about that.
So, yeah, dogs are cute, friendly, loyal, faithful, trainable, more adventurous and fun, but they just majorly lost some points right there. Also, the dogs are whining really badly right now and they won't shut up.
Plus, when I drove up to the house last night, I opened my car door and then this really awesome cat jumped up into my car and sat in the passengers seat. His name was Oliver. He was pretty cool.
Anyway, feel free to participate in this great and endless debate.
Also, a new RELEVANT podcast is up!
Check it out!
2 years ago
Let's set the record straight here, there are some lame dogs (especially the really yippy small ones) and some cool cats, but all in all, dogs are better. They just are. And yes, I am highly biased on this matter.
Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I think that it depends on the individual animal.
I could debate forever which things about a cat are "better" than that of a dog, or vice versa, but I'm not any closer to a conclusion.
Some animals are amazing, some not so amazing. I guess I just like the amazing ones, be they cat or dog.
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