
Thursday, August 27, 2009

I know my fatal flaw.
I am an idealist through and through.
My life is filled with so many "shoulds."

And I will stubbornly stand by these ideals.
It's hard knowing your flaw sometimes.
Because I really don't know how to not be an idealist.
How do I not fill my life with ideals?

You should be glad!
We should never have to worry about that.
I should be able to take this class.
You should get credit for that.
You should stand up for what you believe in!
You should speak up!
I should be happy.
I should listen to that more often.
Children should be raised in a loving home.
Families shouldn't have to split apart.
No one should have to be alone.
Love should last forever.

"Maybe I'm idealistic to assume that truth could be fact and form, that love could be a verb; maybe I'm just a little misinformed."

Side note:
I think I'm going to try this:


A-ron said...

Good words, good link. I feel like one of my life's goals is to live with less, but sometimes I wonder if I'm drifting farther and farther from that goal. I think part of that is just learning to resolutely say "NO!" to more. And darn if that aint really hard to do sometimes.