
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

the last day of march.

Wow, March!
What a crazy month. I liked it quite a bit.
I think it has been the best month so far this year, for me anyway.
Though today was weird.
I kept tripping over every little thing all day. And I used my time rather poorly, which is always a disappointment. For example: I when I came home from my afternoon class, I asleep on accident and then woke up thinking it was 8:30 in the morning... I missed my Astronomy class too, which really sucked. And i've been really disoriented all night.
But last weekend was very good! Strange, perhaps, but good!
I ran around all day Friday, got my car fixed (though it still sounds terrible) had lunch with my grandma, went shopping several times, went to balboa park for the planning meeting for The Rescue, then walked completely across downtown with Athan until the insane wee hours of the morning, among other interesting things.
Sunday was Athan's "surprise" birthday party, and I was designated to distract him, though he totally guessed that something was up because Evan was pretty obvious about some things. But I hiked up Battle Mountain to make Athan think that nothing was up, and the party was really great! The picture is a view from the top of the mountain, as taken by my cell phone.

Good and exciting things are afoot!
I'm going to San Francisco this weekend, for one. I get to stay at UC Berkely with my friend Imogen who I haven't seen in a few years. I'm super excited!

And, alright, so, here we are, a fresh new month. 30 days left of being a teenager. I'm excited to see what will happen!

Happy April!
Don't get fooled by anything... and watch out for that Confiker Virus!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

take heart/my life

Today I woke up.
Maybe for the first time in a long time. I really woke up.
Maybe this is hard to describe. But I shall try.
It's something I remembered, realized, began to live out, and now know with more assurance than anything else I can recall.
Today felt and saw and took in the whole big wide world around me and I realized how finite and temporary I really am.

But how did I ever forget this?
How did I let days and weeks munch up and pass by without even so much as a thought towards the external, the eternal?
How dare I become so wrapped up in myself?
I have been given this one life.
I am a human being. As strange and complex and mysterious as that is; that's what I am.
And so are you! We breathe, we think, we feel, we need.
We desire connection; we connect.
We try to live our lives. We experience love and hope and loss and pain and sorrow and joy and peace. But we are temporary.
Today I thought about all of the people that I know and what they go through. I thought about people in living in Africa without clean water or sufficient food. I don't know them, though.
But why?
They are people just like I am. How do I get to live this life of luxury, where I am mostly only concerned about phone calls or fixing my car or cleaning out my fridge full of too much food, when they must struggle each and every day just to find food? Just to live?
It isn't fair. I don't understand it. But again, this is life.

I think my soul became discontented with this temporary world a long time ago.

But again, sadly, in the past few months I have allowed the complexities and confusion and pain and frustration in my life distract me from that discontentment.
I just tried to live in a way that let me be content and satisfied with the world and who I am. I didn't try to seek anything more. I didn't try to change the world. Maybe as a habit I tried to change it, but my heart wasn't in it. I didn't really try to change it. I didn't follow God with everything that I knew, as I had for so long. It wasn't the driving force of my life.

Perhaps this is part of the reason:
Around this time last year, maybe as a way to shake off the remains from the post-high school shock that surrounded me, I began spending a large amount of time "seeking infinity," I guess you could call it. I began really soaking up the sunsets, breathing in the night sky and drinking in any and all infinite moments that I could come across.
I got into a lot of art and unusual music. I thrived on anything big and ethereal and transcendent. And while I never did any drugs, when I would dance for hours in the middle of the night with strange and stunning music blasting into my brain, you could definitely call it getting high.
Sometimes, I sought after this... this crazy, vague, definite, infinite feeling with all I had in me.
I have known God closely for most of my life, but then, my life seemed so terribly different and strange and uncertain. God needed to be found again in a new way.
I was young, I was lost. I was hopeful. I was confused. I was trying to figure it all out.
I wanted to see eternity. I still do.

But, well, as fate would have it I guess, around this time last year, I met someone.
He was unique. He was curious.
I listened to his meticulous and extravagant thoughts and I knew he was seeking this same sort of thing too.
I saw it in his eyes, I heard it in his words, I felt it and I knew it in his perfect hugs.
He was bright, but he was also broken. We all are broken.
But I think then, he knew it, and he wanted so much more than that. He wanted to be whole.
I ate up every existential, philosophical, post-modern, inquisitive word that exuded from his lips.
He had a rare spark of light and life about him. His spark met mine and we exploded in a ball of light and thought and sound and beauty.
For days and weeks and months, we stated up until 4 am (and beyond) discussing life and death and art and music and God and heaven and hell and philosophical thought processes and anything and everything that we could wrap our minds around.
We faced life with enthusiasm: asking the big questions, dreaming the big dreams. Trying to figure it all out.
And things were good.
But then things progressed, as things tend to do, and I after a while I found myself in strange and unfamiliar territory. He and I slowly, cautiously, began to walk (but then eventually fell) in love. Then, it was perfect. It was something unlike anything I had ever dreamed.

But, well, long story short: All of that is over, and this boy is now gone from my life.
I cannot adequately explain why.
He wanted it to end and so he ended it. I lost a great friend.
I do know though, that through the course of our friendship, I lost sight of the important things that originally held us together. I sometimes found myself to be someone petty and selfish and shallow. I didn't recognize myself. I would complain about the little things that I should have let go of. I would worry about the things that I once knew were in God's perfect hands.
After a while, I didn't recognize him either.
I still don't.

Living without him was strange. It still is. At first I found it to be like living without your skin; you know something's missing.
If emotions were colors, I have felt the entire kaleidoscope by now. Part of me loved him and knew that I could love him forever no matter what, and part of me never wanted to see him again. Part of me wanted to be his friend again more than anything, and part of me wished that he was dead, so at least it would fucking make sense to have him gone. Part of me still cares about him, and wants to make sure that he is doing well. This part of me took over, I think. He and I were connected in so many ways that I found it easy to "check up" on him to find out how he was doing. I was confused and frustrated by his seemingly immature behaviour. I wanted to change him. I wanted to take control of the situation and wake him up and make him be the someone that I used to know and love.

Well, it was this feeling that made me lose sight of all of those bigger, more important things.
But today, I realized: God has much more significant things to teach me from this. This isn't about him and his journey, for I am no longer in control of that (I actually never really was). This is about mine. It's about who I need to become in order to further serve others and to figure out life.
Today I knew I had to step out in faith. And so I did.
I cut off all communication with him completely and I let it all go.
I love him deeply and I wish him well, but I can no longer check up on him or see how he's doing. I no longer want to.
Whatever happens with him now is completely out of my hands and in God's perfect control.

He will probably never even read this.
Que sera, sera.

Tonight I climbed a mountain. The same mountain I have climbed many times before.
In fact, the same one I climbed with this boy at my side, once upon a time.
But today I walked alone. I looked around at everything. I admired the gorgeous trees and plants and flowers (which come in every color imaginable) that adorned the roadside. Every effort of man to recreate such pristine beauty is simply a sad counterfeit. Nature defies us all with it's beauty. I then watched the sun set beneath the hazy atmosphere of this ephemeral world that we all call home.

Well, it's not really my home.
This is what I woke up and realized, anyway.
Tonight I cheered as the sun hit the horizon. I really did. I laughed and smiled and thought, "The end of another day. March 26th, 2009. It was a good one! It was full of love and learning and disappointment and everything... just, everything."
The sunset reminded me, not just of the end of another day in my tiny life, but also of how the sun defies all human efforts. It is eternal and way beyond any of our control.

Still, it's hard not to get caught up in everything. All the small things. Your own pain, the sorrows and disappointments you experience, the people who die from lack of clean water, the neglected, the scored, the selfish, the rich and poor, everything.

Jesus reminded me of something, though. He said, "I have told you all this so that you may have peace. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."

We so often get caught up in these small human dramas. In the tiny, fleeting things that we find important take over our whole lives.
On the grand scale of everything, what are they? Why do we let them rule us?
Really! Take heart! Jesus has overcome the world!

What I know now is that everyday when you wake up and you take a breath, you have a responsibility. Your responsibility begins right there. Right in the moment. Every single day.
You must remember this. This is your life.
All we have is now.

And all I have to say here is temporary, fleeting, ephemeral.

All I can hope to seek after is something that will outlive me.

God help me.

P.S. I realized the other day that staying at my grandma's house has been an emotional cross-section of my life. That will probably not make sense to any of you.
Also, I hopefully made this post long enough so that no one would read it except the people who really wanted to figure me out and rattle their own brains and challenge their own souls.
If that's you, then thanks for reading. I hope it at least made sense.

Monday, March 23, 2009

God, Trees & New Beginnings

This is from an article from Radiant Magazine:

"A change of season is about as routine as it gets. Best I know, it has happened four times a year, like clockwork, as long as humans have been able to keep track of such things. But each time winter yields to spring, each time summer whispers to us that fall will soon arrive, nature is telling us a story. Nature is telling us the story of a God who is always creating, always remaking, forever crafting new beginnings. No matter how dry the sultry dog days of summer, no matter how bitter the winter death, new beauty, new life is always coming. It is only a matter of time."
This article was pretty intriguing to me, as I have been learning a lot about seasons lately.

Check it out here.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

some things I've learned lately

- The way I want things to happen, and the way I think that things should happen, are not the way that things actually do happen. Basically, you can't always get what you want.

- God's ways are much higher than my ways. He is in control of everything.

- I am way too much of an idealist. I am full of "shoulds." We learned about the "should fallacy" today in my communications class. I commit that one quite often.

- I don't think I know any real men. True manhood is verging on extinct these days. A good man is hard to find.

- It's very important to be generous. We should give all we can without asking for anything in return.

- Practice is hard, but it makes you closer to perfect than anything else.

- Innocence is in the interpretation of something.

- Life is fragile and beautiful and precious.

Monday, March 16, 2009

i've been havin' good days

I like this time of March quite a bit!

There are a plethora of birthdays and little interesting holidays here and there.
And I was so busy this weekend that I didn't get a chance to blog about any of it.
Which is actually fantastic.
Real life happened.
I went outside and breathed the beautiful air and saw the snow on mt. baldy and looked at the stars and didn't have time to record it all on the dumb internet.
Now, the internet has it's value, and I use it and appreciate it for sure. But people who make things on the internet their whole lives are actually pretty sad and probably pretty lonely. Maybe get the hell off of youtube for a day and invest your time in other people, eh?
That's what made my weekend so great, anyway.

I don't think that I've ever had a weekend so completely packed full of stuff that didn't involve any specific plans.

Friday the 13th I spent the day up at Azusa with Eric. Athan and I drove the beautiful little RX-8 up there and it was SO AWESOME.

We went to Hebrew early in the morning, and then Eric and Athan and I went to chapel, where I learned that Jesus does not actually look like Jesus, but like a snotty rich guy who wanted to sleep with his sister, and then we explored a nearby college campus and made a zombie plan for it, and then we went to Vietnam, and then Athan left and we went to Eric's choir class, and then we ran into a protest, and then we tried to take the metro to Hollywood, but Evan whined so we didn't take the metro. Then we went to AMOEBA and Eric and I had a giddy field day.

When we got back, Eric was really out of it it and it was funny.
I want to say thank you to Dorè for letting me sleep on her very comfy couch and eat her ice cream. It was very nice!

Pi day (3.14) was pretty interesting. I didn't have a chance to sleep because I drove down LA at 4 AM and then Cassandra and I had to be downtown at 6:30 to be CPR certified!
I fell asleep during the instruction video, but I remembered everything from last year so I only missed one question on the test. Gary and I had a tea party later that day, and then I learned something about respect and human communication, but I learned it the hard way. It was tough.
I can't even say everything that happened, nor do I care to. That's part of the fun and mystery of life. You can't blog all of it.

Sunday was The Ides of March and Will's birthday! I went to RBBC, went to lunch with Will and other people from RBBC, including Tim Nellis, who is incredible, and then we had a little party for Will in the afternoon at the Bundy's. Also Madi came home and it was wonderful!!! It was so good to see her.

I got entirely too much glitter forcefully rubbed in my hair that night and it sucked.
After that, Athan and I explored a tiny tunnel that runs underneath a street. There were lots of spiders and a few frogs and the most brilliant echo I can think of. What happened was summed up pretty nicely in this note.
I got entirely not enough sleep, but I felt so wonderful!

Today in my Communications class my teacher asked us to name some emotions that we felt over the weekend.
I wrote down 45 emotions. Yeah, I quite a plethora of emotions. Most of them were really good. But boy did I experience a lot this weekend.

Tomorrow is St. Patrick's day!

Oh, March. What a time!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Good Will Hunting

I just watched Good Will Hunting. I was very impressed. I've seen it once before, but I think then I just didn't really "get" it.
This time it really hit me. It was pretty brilliant.

It's funny how one thing, such as a song or a movie or a piece of art, can hit you over and over again in different ways. This has been happening to me a lot lately

Anyway, here's an interesting quote form the film:

"You don't know about real loss, 'cause that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself. I doubt you've ever dared to love anybody that much. I look at you. I don't see an intelligent, confident man. I see a cocky, scared shitless kid. But you're a genius, Will. No one denies that. No one could possibly understand the depths of you."

Also, I'm going up to LA tonight to visit Eric at Azusa! I'm excited.
Then, hopefully I'll get to see Rocky Horror Picture show, and then Cassandra and I are getting CPR certified downtown once again. I don't actually plan on sleeping until Sunday.

I feel really, really good.
I think part of it has to do with something I learned in my astronomy class on Tuesday, and part of it has to do with the amazingly supportive friends that I have, and a lot of it has to do with Jesus.
I guess it also has to do with the new perspective I have which allowed me to see Good Will Hunting and realize how great it is.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I got this in an email today from Flood.

I thought it was very poignant, for it's something that every one of us has to deal with.

I am sometimes shocked by the blatant idolatry I see in the world around me. There are so many people who give themselves for nothing but success and for money and worship these things that are not the God that can save them. The worst part about it, is that there are definitely days where the place I can see it the most is in my own life. I'll put what others think about me over who I am to God and lose sight of what is really important. This week be thinking about what it is you tend to assign more value to than God. Maybe its your relationships, or maybe its your appearance, or maybe it is success, (or maybe it is YouTube or Twitter or Facebook or MySpace or Blogger or dailybooth,) but no matter what it is, give it to God and trust that He is more faithful than any created thing.
- Scott E. McGhee

I wish you well in dealing with (and killing) your idols.

Also, A very happy 13th birthday today to my little sister Isabella. Welcome to the craziest years of your life. :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

a very long text message.

I had a really, really great weekend.
But not such a great day.
And so today, my good friend Athan sent me several long text messages, and this was one of them:

Mon, Mar 9 6:51 pm
Listen, I know how much it hurts to see someone you like showing attention to an idiotic jerk who does nothing but bring them down. Especially when that someone used to be involved with you. It cuts, stings, makes you cry and hurts real deep, [sic.] and really does nothing good at all. It just makes you bitter and angry and emotional. I mean, look at how Satan has used this situation against you! Where's the Morgan that's cheerful, loves life and can't wait to start something new? The enemy has completely gotten your gaze off of God using something that used to attract your gaze towards the Creator. Instead of focusing on God, the devil's been able to use this to turn you into something you're NOT.

Yep. That was pretty intense. But he was right.
Athan gets a gold star today for being an amazing friend.
So does Heather, for walking around wal-mart with me until really late to talk about all of this with me. And for helping me to feel at peace about all of this. And also for making me laugh. And for telling me not to pick out unhealthy cereal.
I am eternally thankful, you guys.

Also, this is very unrelated, but I keep watching it because it's impressive:

Friday, March 6, 2009


So at around 3 AM this morning I saw Watchmen.

I still don't know what I really think about it.

My first impression I guess, was that it definitely lived up to the hype.
It was epic and beautifully filmed. Every visual detail was stunning. It also was horribly violent and kind of disturbing.

There was way too much blood. And way too much sex. And way too much gore... pretty much everything typical of Zack Snyder.

The soundtrack however, which included Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are A-Changin'", Simon and Garfunkel's The Sound Of Silence, and All Along The Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix was obviously good, but confusing and inappropriate to the movie.

The book was amazing, and it's hard to give it a comparison to the movie... in some ways it was prefect, in some ways it was TERRIBLE because they changed so much of the book. Especially the ending...
My three word to review to eric was: "Zack changed everything." And well... he almost did.

Anyway, here is a review of the film on RELEVANT:
I agree.

The movie ended in the wee hours of the morning after the sun had risen... I took a nap of sorts and then went to the beach with Athan and then to dinner with my family, and I think the day still has quite a few more hours in it still. I most likely will watch Milo and Otis.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

a little story from the day that is a sentence

Today at school, I made a new friend.
He was very nice. He and I talked about a lot of different and interesting things, like music and art. He and I happened to like a lot of similar music, and we were able to exhaustively discuss the stylings of several different artists. It was refreshing.

Then, in the parking lot after class, he said, "I didn't think I was going to smoke today, but I guess I am going to." And he offered me a joint.

I left, surprised and a little sad.

I don't know how happy I am about this new friend anymore.

The End.

But, yes! March 4th! It is a great day and a great sentence!
And Jodi! I am praying for you and for that baby that is coming out of you!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

perhaps we are all getting a little out of hand

Also, this.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Left 4 Dead

I had a really fun weekend. Today I went on a picnic on Coronado with Heather, Larissa, A-ron and Nicolie. It was great.
An interesting thing I noticed is that many of my discussions I had with people somehow ended up revolving around zombies... and when I spoke to A-ron, specifically the game Left 4 Dead.
He has played it a lot at his work, and over the past month or so, I have also played it way too much.

I freaking love this game. It is amazing.
And it is essentially just a horrifically violent game where you a survivor during a zombie apocalypse, and you have to kill zombies.

Ok, so why am I blogging about a gross video game? Well, there are a lot of reasons, one being that I used to be horrified of zombies, but I am no longer. But the biggest reason is because of an important spiritual metaphor that a friend of mine has shown me about this game.

He said that the zombies in the game are a lot like sin in our lives. And sin of course is missing the mark of perfection and straying away from the intended path for our lives.
And this was a great parallel! Because in the game, the zombies just keep coming and coming and the only way you can fight them is to constantly be on your guard.
And also, it emphasizes the necessity of community and teamwork.
For it is impossible to save yourself if you are pinned by a hunter or a witch or a tank or even just a hoard of zombies. You need to rely on help from other people!
And that is what Christianity is, and what life is: the continual reliance upon God and other people. No man is an island.
If you think you can do it on your own, you are probably dead or dying.

Another thing that Heather pointed out: People sometimes say that it is so hard to overcome sin, but really, if you focus on God, it isn't hard!
Because zombies will never sneak up on you. They can't. They are always screaming or making gross noises, so you can always tell when they are coming. Sometimes they catch you off guard, but they aren't really that sneaky.

I think that's as far as I feel like taking the metaphor right now. You can take it further if you like. I would love to give credit to the bright individual who first showed me this zombie/sin parallel, but I'm afraid that right now that is impossible.

Anyway, happy zombie killing everyone!

40 days of water.

March is upon is!
Seemingly so soon, but here it is!

Something of note:

If you feel lead to join this at all, you should!
It should be quite an eye-opening adventure.
Happy March everyone!