
Monday, March 9, 2009

a very long text message.

I had a really, really great weekend.
But not such a great day.
And so today, my good friend Athan sent me several long text messages, and this was one of them:

Mon, Mar 9 6:51 pm
Listen, I know how much it hurts to see someone you like showing attention to an idiotic jerk who does nothing but bring them down. Especially when that someone used to be involved with you. It cuts, stings, makes you cry and hurts real deep, [sic.] and really does nothing good at all. It just makes you bitter and angry and emotional. I mean, look at how Satan has used this situation against you! Where's the Morgan that's cheerful, loves life and can't wait to start something new? The enemy has completely gotten your gaze off of God using something that used to attract your gaze towards the Creator. Instead of focusing on God, the devil's been able to use this to turn you into something you're NOT.

Yep. That was pretty intense. But he was right.
Athan gets a gold star today for being an amazing friend.
So does Heather, for walking around wal-mart with me until really late to talk about all of this with me. And for helping me to feel at peace about all of this. And also for making me laugh. And for telling me not to pick out unhealthy cereal.
I am eternally thankful, you guys.

Also, this is very unrelated, but I keep watching it because it's impressive:


Heather said...

That video was hillllarious. The hair in his mouth....oh man.

A side note: Even though I made you buy healthier cereal, what good is that when I let you buy whoppers and then ate them too? Kind of destroys my credibility in that area.

Morgan Miller said...

Don't deny your gold star Heather!
The Whoppers made me happy.

Kenny said...

alright let's try some rational thinking yeah?
tanya is not an idiot jerk who does nothing but bring me down. i really wonder how can you or athan even make that assumption? she's a real person, and we've been talking about real things and things are good between us. and i've been doing really well lately. you can't always be assuming crap.

now obviously i myself am assuming that that is what this post is about. and i really hope i'm wrong.

as for the other part, it's good to realize what the enemy is using to distract you from our Father. i'm glad that has happened.