
Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I got this in an email today from Flood.

I thought it was very poignant, for it's something that every one of us has to deal with.

I am sometimes shocked by the blatant idolatry I see in the world around me. There are so many people who give themselves for nothing but success and for money and worship these things that are not the God that can save them. The worst part about it, is that there are definitely days where the place I can see it the most is in my own life. I'll put what others think about me over who I am to God and lose sight of what is really important. This week be thinking about what it is you tend to assign more value to than God. Maybe its your relationships, or maybe its your appearance, or maybe it is success, (or maybe it is YouTube or Twitter or Facebook or MySpace or Blogger or dailybooth,) but no matter what it is, give it to God and trust that He is more faithful than any created thing.
- Scott E. McGhee

I wish you well in dealing with (and killing) your idols.

Also, A very happy 13th birthday today to my little sister Isabella. Welcome to the craziest years of your life. :)