
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

the end of two thousand and eight

Someone once told me: "You'll be the same person a year from now as you are today, except for two things - the people you meet and the books you read."

Well, in 2008 I've read a few great books and I've met a lot of amazing people, so in some ways I know that this past year has changed me a lot.

I guess all I can say now is that it has been a really, really good year.

And that I am very excited to welcome another one.

Happy 2009.


A-ron said...

I have to say (well, ok, I don't have to, I just want to) that I really, really like the way your blog looks. And no, I don't say that to most people. I guess it just kinda fits with the brand new year motif. Anyways, happy blogging.

Cassandra said...

I'm not entirely sure I agree with what that person said, but that's just me. Happy New Year! :D

Morgan Miller said...

Cassandra! You don't like how my blog looks??

I actually spent a long time editing the template.

Thanks for noticing.
